Control & Automation

Smarter Control, Greater Success

Process control systems are the backbone of industrial operations; an effective system not only speeds up processes but also enhances productivity and optimizes energy usage. These systems enable seamless integration of integrated production, improving quality while providing businesses with the capacity for faster and more accurate decision-making through data collection and analysis. At VOLDE, we understand the importance of process control and automation systems and offer innovative solutions with a focus on industry leadership and continuous improvement.

Automation Panel Manufacturing

One of the cornerstones of our automation capabilities is the in-house production of control panels. Unlike companies dependent on third-party suppliers, we design, manufacture, and test our control panels in-house. This allows for rigorous quality control and customization perfectly tailored to your system's requirements. From basic start-stop functionality to complex control schemes, our panels are designed for reliability and easy integration into your existing processes.

PLC Programming

The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is the heart of any modern automation system, and our PLC programming services ensure that your systems are intelligent, adaptable, and efficient. Our experienced engineers can program PLCs for a wide range of processes and machines, from simple dosing systems to complex pneumatic conveying lines. Using industry-leading software and hardware, we provide scalable and adaptable solutions.

SCADA Software

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are critical for real-time monitoring and control of industrial processes. VOLDE offers customized SCADA software solutions tailored to your specific needs. These systems provide unique control and insight into your operations, enabling you to make informed decisions, identify inefficiencies, and optimize performance.

Operator Panel Design

Our operator panel designs prioritize ease of use and functionality. We understand that an intuitive interface is key to effective operational management. Our panels are meticulously designed to present all necessary information in a clear and easily accessible manner.

HMI Monitoring

Human-Machine Interface (HMI) monitoring services provide another layer of control and operational supervision. Our HMI solutions are designed to be intuitive and informative, providing real-time data and control to operators. We offer a variety of HMI options, including touchscreen panels, web-based interfaces, or custom-designed software.

Control & Automation