Information Security Policy

Privacy, Integrity, Accessibility

With the Information Security Management System (ISMS), we ensure the protection of our corporate information in terms of confidentiality, integrity and accessibility, ensuring business continuity and minimizing the risks arising from security breaches.


  • Confidentiality (Information accessible only by authorized persons)
  • Integrity (Information is complete and accurate, protected from unauthorized modifications and recognized when changed)
  • Accessibility (Information available to authorized users when needed)


Information Security Management System (ISMS);


  • It organizes the documents in a way that fulfills their requirements, and ensures to increase the efficiency by maintaining it.
  • It fulfills all legal regulations and contractual requirements regarding information security.
  • It systematically manages risks to security.
  • Minimizes loss of income or opportunity arising from security incidents.
  • It ensures the continuation of basic and supporting business activities with minimum interruption.
  • It raises awareness about the necessity of information security.
  • It protects the reputation and reliability of our brand.
Information Security Policy